Some info
Falcon has provided functionality to allow binding of
JPA generated beans. For now the functionalities cover
selects from JPAQL and allow specification of parameters. The value
of these parameters can be:
or from other beans
generated by falcon (i.e. dtRef)
existing objects passed into the engine.
Examples of falcon files can be found under:
Straight JPAQL with no paramters
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<falconBind:falcon xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" ../../../main/xsd/falconBind.xsd"
xmlns:falconBind="" id="testId">
classObject="com.falcon.mock.testObjects.EmpJpa" name="testJpaPojo"
<falconBind:JPA persistence-unit_name="example" query="select e from EmpJpa e" return_as_list="true"/>
The noticeable change here from a pojo definition are:
'type' attribute of 'dataTransfer' tag is now 'JPA' rather then 'pojo'.
new tag 'ObjectStory' and its related 'JPA' tag is used to specify JPA settings
'retrun_as_list' attribute can be 'true' or 'false' depending on how you want want your object(s)
getting your JPA objects from Falcon
There is no special syntax for doing that is the same as getting back pojos!
Note only 1 line of code is required to get your JPA object(s) back!!! ;)
As List:
List empList = (List) runner.getObject("testJpaPojo");
As Single Object (when 'return_as_list' is set to 'false'):
EmpJpa emp = (EmpJpa) runner.getObject("testJpaPojo");